

香蘭國小位於台東縣太麻里鄉香蘭村(舊香蘭),依山傍海,風景秀麗。民國44年9月原為大王國民學校香蘭分校,時僅有木板瓦教室兩間,土地係村民集資購贈,面積0.9670公頃,是一所小而美的學校,民國51年9月奉准設立香蘭國民學校。當時本地人口日多,學童日增,由鄉民代表賴阿已先生向鄉民代表會提案獨立設校,經縣府調查屬實,奉准設立。並於民國57年9月改制為香蘭國民小學。 香蘭國小學區主要包含舊香蘭及新香蘭兩個區域,居民組成多元,包括排灣族、阿美族、閩南、客家等,呈現多元族群與多元文化共榮的景象。近年因少子化因素,學生人數急遽減少,但學校仍致力於優質教學,發展學生多元智能,在各方面均衡發展,希望呈現豐富的小校特色。

A brief introduction to Siang-Lan Elementary School Siang-Lan Elementary school is located at Siang-Lan village, Tai-Ma-Li, Tai-Tung County, a beautiful place facing the Pacific Ocean with mountains in its backyard. At the school’s initial establishment in September 1955, it was known as a branch to the Da-Wang school. At that time, Siang-Lan School only had two classrooms; the land the school was built on was less than one hectare and was bought and donated by local people. Although the school was small, it had a breath-taking view. In September 1962, as the population and the number of school-age children grew in the area, Siang-Lan School became independent after the elected representative Mr. Lai A-Yee’s proposal to separate Siang-Lan from Da-Wang School got approved by the government, and Siang-Lan Elementary School was finally reformed in September 1968. Siang-Lan Elementary School covers two main school districts, namely the old and new Siang-Lan region, where the population is very diversified, including Pai-Wan, A-Mei, Fu-Jian, Hakka, and etc., allowing different cultures to coexist. In recent years, due to low birth rate, the number of students in Siang-Lan Elementary School has considerably decreased. However the school is still devoted to provide high-quality education and to support students to develop in all perspectives in a hope to create abundant Siang-Lan characteristics.